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School Uniform

School uniform is compulsory.  Children wear school uniform for 3 days of the week and school PE uniform for 2 days of the week.  Parents will be informed of the days children need to wear their school uniform and PE uniform.


 A complete list of boys and girls’ uniform is listed below. 


The school uniform is:-


Royal blue sweatshirts or cardigans            

Grey skirts, pinafores or trousers

Golden yellow polo shirts

White or grey socks or grey tights

Black shoes/white sandals (not trainers or boots)             


In the Summer, blue and white checked dresses can also be worn by the girls and grey shorts by the boys in the Summer term.


Summer footwear - sandals or shoes with covered backs and socks (not trainers or high heels).  Jewellery must not be worn, with the exception of stud earrings.




PE, Dance and Outdoor PE Uniform:-

Children come to school on their PE day(s) wearing a PE kit. 

Blue shorts and a t-shirt (with or without the school logo) for indoor PE and, if required in colder weather, a black tracksuit for outdoor PE.  Plimsolls are only worn during the indoor lessons by children with a verruca but footwear needs to be worn by all pupils as they move around the school and for outdoor PE.



Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name.


School uniform, including bookbags, PE bags and baseball caps in the school colours of blue and yellow are available from The Schoolwear Centre in, Nuneaton, or on-line from the HUK Group.  or 


Parents are able to purchase the school uniform from any other outlet they choose although these companies do not stock branded items.


Please ensure that pupils wear school uniform and sensible footwear throughout the year.  We ask that children have sensible hair styles and do not wear jewellery (other than stud earrings) to school.  If children come to school wearing earrings on P.E. days, they must take them out or cover them with secure tape for reasons of Health and Safety and to conform to our 3rd Party Liability for duty of care.


We do not allow nail polish or tattoo transfers.  Lost property is kept in classrooms.


Please remember to label everything with your child’s name.

Children should always bring a coat or jacket and have a waterproof too.  We do take groups of children out on local visits and those who do not have a coat (or waterproof if raining) will miss out on these visits


If you require second hand uniform, please contact the school office via email or by phone 024 76392219.