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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Wellbeing Award

What is the Wellbeing Award for Schools?

The WAS is a national award that looks at how well we promote the emotional wellbeing and mental health across the whole school community, including pupils, parents and staff.


What is emotional wellbeing and mental health?

‘Emotional wellbeing describes your mental state - how you are feeling and how well you can cope with day-to-day life. Emotional wellbeing is essential for us to function and be happy.’ Mental health is defined as a 'state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential’

Mind, 2018


With Good Mental health…

Your child will…

  • build up resilience with confidence and self-esteem
  • be able to express a range of emotions and talk about them freely
  • have ambitions to achieve and succeed
  • build and maintain good relationships with others
  • feel included and engaged with the world around them
  • cope with the challenges of daily life in a respectful manner


Why work towards this award?

Evidence shows that positive mental health is of central importance to learning and attainment and it is part of our school ethos to support the wellbeing of pupils, parents and staff. Those with positive mental health are able to achieve their improved academic outcomes and continue to thrive throughout their adult life.



Tips for Wellness