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Aims and Objectives


Through Geography, we aim to inspire in our children an interest and curiosity about the world and its people. Our children will develop their knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and our locality of Galley Common. They will develop their understanding and use of basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to both human and physical geography. They will begin to use geographical and fieldwork skills to enhance their locational awareness.


Within Foundation Stage we aim to ensure that all children:

  • develop their knowledge of similarities and differences in relation to places
  • develop their ability to talk about features of their own immediate environment and how environments might vary from one another

           (Early Learning Goal 14 - The World)


The Key Stage 1 National Curriculum for Geography aims to ensure that all children:

  • develop contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places, including their defining physical and human characteristics.
  • develop geographical skills needed to:
  • collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through

            experiences of fieldwork

  • interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps,

            atlases, globes and aerial photographs

  • communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including

            through maps, numerical skills and writing.


Teaching and Learning Styles

We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in our Geography focused sessions.  We encourage children to ask as well as answer geographical questions. Children take part in role-play, discussions and problem solving activities and they present findings to the rest of the class.

We offer them the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as maps, graphs, pictures, and aerial photographs, and we enable them to use IT including the internet in Geography focused sessions, where this serves to enhance their learning.

We aim to provide engaging experiences linked to the different countries that are being studied, for example, through dance, music and food.

We aim to include as many opportunities as we can to involve children in practical geographical research and enquiry using our local environment.

We aim to ensure that learning opportunities are suitable for all children to access, this may include setting open-ended tasks, grouping children in different ways, providing a variety of resources and using adult support.















Reception in the Autumn term 

The children have been leaning all about the signs of Autumn. We have enjoyed exploring our school and local environment to look for signs of Autumn. 

Key Facts: 

  • Leaves turn bright colours and fall out of trees.
  • The weather gets colder.
  • Animals begin to store food for winter.
  • Farmers Harvest their crops/
  • Key Vocabulary
  • Hibernate, Nocturnal, Harvest, Crop


Pumpkin Exploring

We have enjoyed using our senses to explore and investigate pumpkins. 

Diwali Celebrations 

In reception we have been learning all about Diwali. We took part in our own Diwali celebration day, we made clay diva's, created diva's using herbs and spices, tasted Indian food and took part in a Diwali dance workshop. 

Key Facts:

  • Diwali is the celebration of light over dark and good over evil.
  • It is also known as 'festival of light' 
  • It lasts for 5 days. 
  • People clean and decorate their houses. 
  • Hindu's will visit their temple, where they pray to their goddess Lakshmi. 

Key Vocabulary:


Diva Lamps



Rangoli pattern

Rama and Sita 


We have continued to learn about celebrations around the world. This half term we have been learning about Christmas. We have enjoyed learning about the Christmas story and the birth of Jesus. We have created our own Christmas nativity story. We also enjoyed a lovely trip to Polseworth Abbey.


We have been learning about the changes in the weather, and the signs of winter. We have been exploring the natural world by investigating the sensory garden and exploring the changes in the weather. We got the chance to investigate and explore ice and observe how it changes. We even has snow, which the children loved to explore!

Spring term Geography

This term we are learning about Antarctica. We are comparing Antarctica to where we live. 

Key Facts: 

  • Antarctica is a frozen land.
  • Penguins, seals, Orca's live in Antarctica.
  • It is the coldest and windiest place on the planet.
  • There are only 2 seasons (Winter and Summer). 

Key Vocabulary 

Icebergs, South Pole, scientists, ice shelves, continent




We have been learning about China and Chinese New year celebrations, we have discussed China to Antarctica and also Galley common. Recognising life in this country and other countries. We have enjoyed tasting Chinese Food, taking part in Chinese dragon dancing and celebrating making Chinese decorations. 

Key Facts:

  • China is a country in Asia. Lots of people live there 
  • Chinese New year is a celebration. 
  • People will clean houses and decorate.
  • Every year is named after 12 animals.
  • Lion and dragon dancing bring good luck. 

Key Vocabulary: 

China, Celebrations, lanterns, parade, fortune cookies, chopsticks.

Chinese New Year!


We have been learning about Kenya through reading Handa's surprise. We have explore Kenya on the world map and compared to countries we have learnt about India, Antarctica, China and Galley Common. We explore fruits from the story and tasted them. 

Key Facts:

  • Kenya is a country located in the continent of Africa
  • It lies on the equator.
  • Some parts of Africa are tropical, some parts are very dry. 
  • Lots of different animals live in Kenya. Some of these animals are endangered. 
  • Most of people in Kenya work in farming and growing crops.

Key Vocabulary:

Kenya, Africa, equator, tropical, endangered.